Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday's Sights

Magnificent wildflower garden

Stoked to see this young man out tending to a fine vegetable patch. Take that Monsanto!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Random inspiration

I haven't been digging the arbor vitae in my yard. They are ratty. After seeing these and reading up on proper pruning and cultivating techniques I have a new-found appreciation. I love the conical form.

Love -in-a-Mist. Aka Nigella damascena. I like.

Violets in the yard.


Just can't get over how cool it is to wander out into the garden and come back with food.

Nasturtium, borage, and arugula. It was delicious. Until an earwig crawled out of one of the flowers. Lesson learned: wash everything very thoroughly!

Squash blossoms. Dipped in rice flour and water batter, fried and lightly salted. Sooooo good!

Blueberry bumper crop! I'm getting about a quart container full every two days. This morning a flock of finches was dining on them. My freezer is getting full. I really hope my friends will help alleviate this burden.


Welcome to my informal place for garden inspiration. First post!

On a recent walk through the neighborhood I came across this wonderful little vertical succulent wall and it's guardian.

Garden mosaic found on my way to the Cellar Door.